"I Am Become Death" Robert Oppenheimer as Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds (oil on masonite) 12"x16"
"Oppenheimer the Destroyer" (oil on masonite) 8"x10"
"Illegal Smile" portrait of John Prine (oil on masonite) 10"x8"
"Willie and Waylon" (oil on wood) 14"x11"
"Pinups" (oil on masonite) 12"x12"
"Marilyn" (oil on masonite) 9"x12"
"Minnie's Chickenfried Peckers" (oil on masonite) 9"x12"
"One More Silver Dollar, J.T.'s Last Ride" (oil on wood) 10"x12"
"Pop Vulture" #1 (oil on wood) 8"x8"
"Pop Vulture" #2 (oil on wood) 8"x8"
"Pop Vulture" #3 (oil on wood) 7"x7"
"Pop Vulture" #4 (oil on wood) 9"x9"
"Pop Vulture" #5 (oil on wood) 7"x7"
"Girl Next Door" #2 (oil on wood" 9"x7"
"Goodbye Norma Jean" (oil on wood) 7"x5"
"The King is Gone" (oil on wood) 7"x5"
"That 70's Joint" (oil on masonite) 12"x20"
"Little Debbie Does Dallas" (oil on masonite) 9"x12"
"Divine Infinitum" (oil on masonite) 12"x16"
"Iggy and the Stooges" (oil on masonite) 8"x8"
"Do You Really Want to Squirt Me" (oil on masonite) 8"x10"
"In the Shadows of the Damned" (oil on wood) 8"x10"
"It's Alive" (oil on masonite) 8"x10"